Water For Your Home

Dispensing hot and cold water, the Skywell 5 is perfect for your home, office, playroom and gym. Our smart screen and water tracking capabilities offer personalized user experiences, making sure that you and your loved ones are hydrated all year round.

Produces up to 5 gallons daily.

Water For Your Office

Dispensing regular cold water, the Skywell 10 is perfect for your home, office, playroom and gym. Our smart screen and water tracking capabilities offer personalized user experiences, making sure that you and your loved ones are hydrated all year round.

Produces up to 10 gallons daily.

For Larger Venues

Skywell’s most durable, versatile offering, the Skywell 100 is ideally suited for farms, athletic facilities, business compounds, warehouses, and school campuses, providing safe, clean drinking water for all. Perfect for outdoor use and high-volume applications,

Produces up to 100 gallons daily.

Healthier Bodies, Healthier Planet.

How Does Skywell Work?

News Coverage

It’s a page right out of ‘Star Wars’: Fresh drinking water made from air.

Making water out of thin air. Students discuss how they use Skywell to irrigate their own campus garden.

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